Specificity and importance of human resources in e-commerce

  • Veselina Lekova


As in any area of the farm and in e-commerce, human resources are its specificity and importance for companies. Besides the most frequently mentioned their importance - achieving the objectives of the organization, the importance of employment is reflected in the generation of new ideas in pursuit of sales, in the use of other resources of the organization and others. But also human resources and have a specific meaning which has any one person for the organization according to the occupied position or act. In turn, specifics of employees in the on-line trade is due to the peculiarities of trade as a specific type of activity and the characteristics of the Internet as a tool and medium for performing this activity. It determines the presence of certain specific e-commerce positions, job functions required knowledge and skills also determines a different way of organizing the activity of management of human resources, so as to ensure smooth flow of business processes.


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How to Cite
Lekova, V. (2017). Specificity and importance of human resources in e-commerce. Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management, 12(1). Retrieved from https://www.vsim-journal.info/index.php?journal=vsim&page=article&op=view&path[]=111