VisagiSMile - Dental Software for Digital Smile Design

  • Boyan Yankov 9 Buzludzha str., fl. 2, 1606 Sofia
  • Georgi Iliev Sofia
  • Dimitar Filchev Sofia
  • Galip Gurel apt. No:63, Te vikiye caddesi Bayer, 6 Ni anta , Istanbul
  • Braulio Paolucci Rua Rodrigues Alves, 53 Barbacena, MG
  • Adriano Shayder 404 Rua Zquinha De Abreu, Perdizes, São Paulo
  • Iva Misheva 9 Buzludzha str., fl. 2, 1606 Sofia
Keywords: dental software, aesthetic dentistry, visagism, web application, digital smile design


For achieving an optimal esthetic result from a dental treatment we need to create a suitable smile design that creates a perception which fulfills the esthetic expectations of the patient. It is also important that the teeth proportions to be correctly diagnosed and designed before an irreversible restorative dental procedure to be done.
Excellent quality digital smile design software products exist on the market. However these solutions do not apply in its fullness the visagism concept which produces a smile design in relation to the facial type and personality of the patient which is perceived as more harmonious. The visagism concept has been recently applied in the dental software “VisagiSMile” which helps clinicians to personalize and improve smile designs.
VisagiSMile is a software that automates the process of creating personalized digital smile design. VisagiSMile is a multiplatform web application for aesthetic dentistry which does not require installation, but only a simple registration process to get started. All cases and data are stored on a server to allow dentists to work on different devices and platforms – computers, tablets and smartphones. The research on the visagism concept is an ongoing process which constantly changes the requirements for the software. With the ongoing development of the software as an agile web application new versions are released every few weeks. Future plans include improvement of the accuracy of algorithms and of the teeth designs. Together with the product development, VisagiSMile’s user base also grows with over 1000 currently registered dentists.

Author Biographies

Boyan Yankov, 9 Buzludzha str., fl. 2, 1606 Sofia
Web Motion Ltd
Georgi Iliev, Sofia
Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University of Sofia, BulgariaDepartment of Prosthetic Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Dimitar Filchev, Sofia
Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University of Sofia
Iva Misheva, 9 Buzludzha str., fl. 2, 1606 Sofia
Web Motion Ltd


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How to Cite
Yankov, B., Iliev, G., Filchev, D., Gurel, G., Paolucci, B., Shayder, A., & Misheva, I. (2016). VisagiSMile - Dental Software for Digital Smile Design. Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management, 12(1). Retrieved from[]=119