Changes in the world economic order and strategies of the main players

  • Georgi Chankov Georgiev


The historic preview and the contemporary data show the shifting of the industrial capital and hence the economic centre of the world from the USA towards China. The USA must choose now among several strategies for mastering/stopping this tendency. These strategies range from utmost isolationism to further interventionism. The last political changes there are directed towards internal consolidation of the resources, refusal of liberal interventionism and protectionist measures. The now forming strategy focuses on China as most important partner and competitor. The failure of the „Chimerika model” provokes attempt to restrain China through networks of multilateral or bilateral free-trade zones, dominated by the USA. The Chinese strategy stakes on establishing a Eurasian economic bloc through infrastructure projects, such as OBOR. Both strategies contradict to each other and presuppose conflicts, but the risks of a nuclear war could provoke unexpected alternatives.


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How to Cite
Georgiev, G. (2017). Changes in the world economic order and strategies of the main players. Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management, 12(1). Retrieved from[]=130