Evaluation of the competitiveness of Lukoil at the fuel market in Poland

  • Daniel Slaveev PARUSHEV University of national and world economy


The ability to produce quality goods and services that can be realized on the domestic and the external market and increase the standard of living depends on the effective use of the capital, human and production resources in short terms. International experience shows that important criteria of competitiveness are the quality and cost of human resources; The technical level of the company; The effectiveness of the public administration; Licensing and regulatory framework; The possibility of free movement of persons, capital and goods; Infrastructure Communications.
Competitiveness is manifested by competitive advantages. Creating an advantage requires insights into new ways of competing and willingness to take risks and invest in their implementation in practice. Different competitive advantages of the product, organization and state. In this particular article, we will dwell on more specifically the competitive advantages that Lukoil has on the international market in Poland.

How to Cite
PARUSHEV, D. (2019). Evaluation of the competitiveness of Lukoil at the fuel market in Poland. Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management, 12(1). Retrieved from https://www.vsim-journal.info/index.php?journal=vsim&page=article&op=view&path[]=162