Automate online communication and customer service through chatbot technology

  • Nikolay Vankov Lecturer
Keywords: chatbot technology, digital marketing, customer service, digital communication platforms


The article discusses chatbot technology as an approach to automate online communications and customer service. The purpose is to present the nature and characteristics of chatbot technology, how it is integrated into the company's digital marketing strategy, as well as to analyze the practice of Bulgarian and foreign companies when using chatbot.

In the beginning, the features and types of chatbots are clarified. The focus is on designing a chatbot for communication and customer service on the most popular Facebook Messenger platform. From a theoretical point of view, specific terms used in the development of chatbot have been clarified.

Companies that want to use artificial intelligence productively in their communications with customers need intelligent chatbots to be developed. The second part of the article looks at personalized chat interaction with clients, helping to connect with them.

The process of designing a chatbot for communication and customer service requires a thorough and professional look and understanding of each of the elements of a chatbot communication. Practical examples of digital chat development platforms are presented at the end of the article.


1. Блог на Енвато
2. Модел на куката (The Hook Model)
3. Уебсайт
4. Вайбър чатбот,
5. Фейсбук страница
6. Chatbot Magazine,
7. Barby, М. (2017). Life Beyond Email: Chatbot Marketing. Whilst other channels are continuing to deliver diminishing returns, there's a new medium for marketers to utilize to reach their customers: Chatbots.Available at:
8. Chatbot UX: Why a chatbot was the hardest thing I’ve ever designed,
How to Cite
Vankov, N. (2022). Automate online communication and customer service through chatbot technology. Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management, 16. Retrieved from[]=173