Work in coronavirus conditions

  • Татяна Петрова Кичева
Keywords: work, coronavirus, remote work, opportunities


2020 is a different year. The world is under complete or partial blockade in an attempt to limit the health damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Millions of employees have lost their jobs and others switched to work from home. The future still seems uncertain and no one dare to say when and if we can return to a normal lifestyle and work. The purpose of article is to analyze the new job opportunities during this pandemic, as well as the attitudes of employees to work in these new conditions. The article analyzes the results of a study conducted by the author among employees in Bulgarian organizations on the impact of the coronavirus on their lifestyle and work.


1. Chobaligova, B. (2020), Employees want the opportunity to work from home and after the end of the pandemic, [online], available at: vyzmojnost-da-rabotiat-ot-vkyshti-i-sled-kraia-na-pandemiiata-306601 /, [Accessed on August 18, 2020]
2. General Labor Inspectorate (2020), Employers have an obligation to ensure the safety and health of remote workplaces, [online], available at:, [Accessed on September 10, 2020]
3. Law on Measures and Actions during the State of Emergency, [online], available at:, [Accessed on September 15, 2020]
4. Panikyan, A. (2020), Juggling between home and work, [online], available at: [Accessed on September 17, 2020]
How to Cite
Кичева, Т. (2022). Work in coronavirus conditions. Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management, 16. Retrieved from[]=242