Leadership styles influencing company management and communication

  • Dayana Chorbadzhiyska
Keywords: leadership styles, management, communication, organization


The article examines the relationship between the two key factors of organizational management – leadership and organizational communication, as integral parts of the management of any modern organization. Communication in modern society and the introduction of modern management styles change the traditional model for effective communication. A modern understanding of leadership requires management through professionalism, authority and good communication, and the most valuable quality of a leader is flexibility – by assessing the characteristics of the situation, he adequately changes his management style and uses appropriate communication.


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How to Cite
Chorbadzhiyska, D. (2022). Leadership styles influencing company management and communication. Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management, 16. Retrieved from https://www.vsim-journal.info/index.php?journal=vsim&page=article&op=view&path[]=247