Business analysis in digitalization and optimization of management processes

  • Emanuel Galyarski
Keywords: business analysis, management, digitalization, optimization


The last decade has seen a huge change in our and the world's economy, with many businesses completely transforming or digitizing some of their processes. Unchanged for years, successful business models are undergoing transformations, leading to completely new companies in a different field of activity. Business analysis is increasingly used to improve the efficiency of companies by optimizing processes, production and delivery of products and services to customers. The article presents the relationship between digital transformation and process optimization by using business analysis, necessary to identify the need for change and its introduction in data processing, product production and customer service, regardless of the type of company.


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How to Cite
Galyarski, E. (2021). Business analysis in digitalization and optimization of management processes. Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management, 16. Retrieved from[]=248