Contemporary methods and trends in construction waste management

  • Ralitsa Kusheva UNWE
Keywords: construction and demolition, waste management, contemporary methods, good practices, sustainability


Sustainability is a term which has acquired a key role and importance in various industries, and the construction and demolition waste sector does not remain excluded from these discussions. Sustainable construction and demolition waste management requires that good practices be incorporated and followed, from foundational waste management principles and hierarchies to more vanguard digital solutions, where possible. This article makes an overview of the contemporary methods and trends in construction waste management and summarizes the most efficient ones, which result in reusable building materials, looking at them from the angle of cost-benefit ratio and applicability in the construction landscape in Bulgaria, where good practices are still only partially adopted.


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How to Cite
Kusheva, R. (2022). Contemporary methods and trends in construction waste management. Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management, 18. Retrieved from[]=302