Landscape Valorization Models For Regional Development


  • Kamen Dimitrov Petrov professor
Keywords: rural areas, development, patterns, progress, deficit, territory, space


This article is devoted to the derivation of individual models for the implementation of volarization in rural areas following the example of the European Union and in particular their adaptation to Bulgarian conditions. The article highlights the importance of landscape and its volarization as a factor in determining the functional development of the rural area as part of the spatial development of the modern state. The motodology of the research is outlined, the place of rural areas as a part of regional space is outlined, highlighting the most common problems in rural areas and their specifics so far. The aspects of volarization are also outlined and illustrated with several examples, which of course have a discussion haracter. The conclusion draws relevant conclusions and recommendations based on the present study.


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How to Cite
Petrov, K. (2023). Landscape Valorization Models For Regional Development. Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management, 19, 165-175. Retrieved from[]=494